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Stoney Island Fisheries (2022) Ltd. produces ice year round at our facility.

Our ice is produced with fresh, clean water, at our location for use in a variety of industries for the preservation and shipping of food products.  Our ice is CFIA approved, food grade, and is tested on a regular basis.

Ice is shipped by the ton in boxes and can be either picked up by the customer or delivered by one of our trucks. 

Stoney Island Fisheries (2022) Ltd. specializes in producing high quality ice to the public as well as to commerical business. 

Our ice can be used for the preservation and/or shipping of fresh food products, including seafood.

The ice is held in our freezer so that frost is always in the ice, which increases the shelf life of our product.  Kept frozen, our ice lasts longer after being delivered to the customer.

Our ice is CFIA approved and is food grade quality.  Therefore, it can be used in contact with food such as fresh fish and other food products. 

The fresh water used to make our ice is tested on a regular basis.

Delivery of ice can be provided by our own trucks anywhere in Nova Scotia, all year round.

Ice is delivered in large wharf boxes and from two to twenty tons of ice can be delivered per load.  Multiple loads can be arranged.

Pick up by customer is another option and our chute is able to drop ice directly into the customer's containers.

Our facility has been providing ice to the seafood community for decades and we are experts at producing, handling, loading, and delivering our ice to customers.

Our staff are committed to produce a quality ice product, delivering it efficiently and reliably, and providing the best quality product to our community.

Stoney Island Fisheries (2022) Ltd. is proud that our ice meets the highest Canadian quality control standards.  Our water is regularly tested and our production process is closely monitored to ensure we are providing the clearest, cleanest ice for our customers.

Phone: 902-637-7992
Email:  gm@sif2022ltd.com

Fax: 902-745-1313
(Monday to Friday  8:00am – 5:00pm AST)

Human Resources:hr@atlanticchicanseafood.com