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About Us

Stoney Island Fisheries (2022) Ltd. specializes in a variety of seafood related products and services and is a Canadian Food Inspection Agency approved facility.

Our live lobster is shipped mostly to Canadian customers, mainly serving our sister companies in providing fresh live lobster for North American and overseas and shipping.

We produce food grade ice from fresh water and can provide delivery service.

Our facility also provides rental space in our freezer for bait and other food products.

In season, we ship live Elver eels to Asian markets.

Stoney Island Fisheries Ltd. was founded by local businessman, Mervin Atkinson, in late 1950s and right from the outset the company dealt in live lobster and groundfish, buying directly from the fishermen.  Run by Mervin and his family, the company provided many locals jobs in the fishing industry, both at the plant location and in employee's own barns and sheds doing piecework.  When the Ice Plant was built, it provided both the company and many local seafood businesses with convenient access to the important ice product close to their own locations.

In 2022, the company was sold by Mr. Atkinson and the name was retained with a slight change to Stoney Island Fisheries (2022) Ltd. 

Stoney Island Fisheries Ltd. is a sister company to a number of other businesses on Cape Sable Island and works closely with them to provide all with an exceptionally fresh live product, clean food safe ice, and ample freezer storage.  Under the new management, the company has expanded its operations to handle Elver Eels in season for the Asian market.

Phone: 902-637-7992
Email:  gm@sif2022ltd.com

Fax: 902-745-1313
(Monday to Friday  8:00am – 5:00pm AST)

Human Resources:hr@atlanticchicanseafood.com